Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'I/Je T A B L E. ~enfe of Sin, and Senfe of the Grace of Carift, may <:onfift , I 55 Boly Walking, and Chrift's Excellency.,; may both be felt by the Believer. H0ly Walking conftderedt as, I. A Duty. 2. kMean 3· A Thing promifed in the Covenant 6f Grace ih. How ~e may,collect our State and Condition from holy \IValking 157 The Error of D Crifps, and .Antinomians herein ib. Chrifl: a great Houilio1der I; 9 ( ..... The Privilege of the Children of the Houfe ib. Chriil: the Bread of Life ib. Communion between the Children, and the fidl: Heit" Chrifi, in Five Particulars 16p The Spirit of an Heit· and of a Servant z'b. There is a '1 Seed of Hope ~nd Comforts in the hardeft Def:ttions of the Saints, in three Pa'rticula1·es iHu, tlra\ed k' I S ER 1\1 Q .N XVII, Grace maketh Qlicknefs and VVittinefs of heavenly Reafoning 1.S3 Faith contradiCteth Chr&fl tempting, but. humbly and modefl:l y . I 64 The Saint~ may difpute their State with Chl'ifl, when they date nor dilpme rbeit· Actions 16 5 We arc to accept, humbly, and with Patience, of a wakened Conicience, but ·not to feck <. iorrningCon- .fcience ib. True Ht~mility, and its Way, in feven Panicula1·s. See the Place ' ib. E.ow we are ·to efreem every Man better than ourfel ves !69 The preud Man knO\~n afar off ' ib. Gracr;::'s 'L9wlinei; in takinf! Notice of Sinners iv. Ca'uks ot Um~1ankfulncfs 0 ' 1 ~I A jufiified Sou~ is to confefs·Sin, proved by three Argnm~nts I 7 ~ And