:!'he T ABL E. And ro mourn for Sin by dive:fe Reaf~ns I i 4 If web: not to mourn for Sm committed, belcaufe It is pardoned, oor fhould our Will b~ avcrfe fret;l the committing of it ; becaufe before 1t be commuted, ic is alfo pardoned, as Antinomianr teach I i 6 Libertiner confpire w;_,h Papiflr; in the Doctrine of Ju.. fiification ' 1 7 S I SE R M 0 N XVIII. How Sins ar~ removed in Juftification, how not Ii9 There remaineth Sin formapy in the Juftified, proved by S~x Argumen~s . . I 80 How Sm dwellerh 10 us after we are JUfilfied ib. A Twofold Removal _of Sin, Qne Moral or L 1 egal in J ufiification, another phyfical in ·our SanCtification I8I 'l"he Difference between the Removal of Sin in J uftification, and its Removal in San&:ification ~ 185 Seven Grounds why Sin dwelleth fEll in the juf.Hfied Perfon 187 How Sins paft, preknt and to come, are pardon'd in Jufiification I 9 4 There's a Twofold Confideration of Ju!Hfication, but not two Jufiifications , ib. Sins in thiee divet·s Refpects are taken away, (j.CCOrding to Scripture . ib. Cht·ifi's Sanctification performed on the CrofS for Sin is not formally Jufiifi~ati~n, but only caufatively: fundamentally, or me.rwmoufly I 9 5 There's a Changa in J ufiification 19 7 How Sins not committed are remitted ib. T here is but one Jnfi:ifical:ion of a Jieliever, illufhatcd by aComparilo11 ... x 9s The_r~·s ~ Difference between Pat·don of Sin, the Juthticatlon cf the Perfon, and r~,e repeated Senfe of the Pat·don , 1 · i/; , Jufl:ifying Faith is fome other Thing ,than the Sep.f; of J ufl:ification 2. 0 1 :t- 4 How