§~§§§§§§§~§§§§§§§§§§§§§~~§§§§§§§§~§§~§~§§§§§~§$ . --to-+-t--+-t--+-t---+--f--+--t--1-+--+-+--+-t--+--f' ~********************** ++t+++t++++++++++++t+t+* ~-+--+--t--+~-+-t--+-~-+~-+-~-+-+-~-t-~ ***********************************~* *****************************~****************~ ' §§§§~§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§+§§§~~ TO THE .' R·ight Honourable,· THE 'Lady Jean Camphe/1, Vifcountefs . of Kenmure ; Slfter to the Right Noble and Potent, the Marq~efs of .Argyll& Grace and Peace. 'M A l> A M, . I Should complain of thefe much difputing and. overwriting Times, ifl were not thought to be as de~p in the fault, as thofe whom I accufe: But the Truth is, while we endeavour to gain a Grain-weight of' Truth, ·tis much. i~ we lofe not a \alent-weighr of Goodnefs and Clutlhan Love : But I m fure, though there is fo much Knowledge and Light as may C<>Rduce for our fafe walking in di1Cerning the certain · Borders of divine Truths, fi·om every fo!fe WIJ)'; And fuppofe that Searching int0 ~efiions Gf the Time were a ufefu) and neceffary Evil onJy; y'etthe declillingTemper ofthe VVorld'sworfr Time, and the old Age of Time, Eternity now fo near apiroaching~ t z. "ail~ r I r