304 The Trial and SER;·-22 inconfiftent with iaving Faith, t Cor i.8. Jude v. .24. Jer.xx x ii, 39,40,4 t.lfa. liv. 1 o. !fa. lix. 2. I, zz. Luke xxii 32.1 lob. 1i. 1, z. Yet fo, as he h~th referve~ a L~berty to himfe~f, to co-operate With them tn particular ACl:s, as 1t Hull be their Sin, not his Withdrawing of Grace that maketh them guilty, t? the End we may know we are in Grace's !>ebt, m all good and fupernatural .Acts; fo 2 Chron. xxxii. ; 1. Ezekiah was tried of God in the Bufinefs of the l{in;r, of Jlab;;Jon's AmJ;ajfadors; that the King might fee that he could not walk to Heaven on Clay Legs, or by his own Strength, and the Reafon is clear; God cannot make a Promife of contributing this bowing and predeterminatmg Grace, but in a Way fuitab1e to Free-Grace. For God cannot change Gral!e unto natural Debt, it remaining Grace, for lo it !hould be Grace, and no Grace, which is a ContradiEl:ion.z.TheLord hath refervedLiberty to himfelf in this Promife, that in this or rh.ls particular .AEl: (the Omiffion whereof may confift with Perfeverance in Grace) he ~ay contribute his Influ- - ~nce of Grace, or not contribute it; fo 'IJavid bath not aB:ual Grac~ at his Will and Nod, to efchew .Adultery, and Murder as he pleafeth : Nor Pet.er to decline an evil Hour, when he Jhall be tempted to forfwt>ar his Saviour Chrift; nor , bath Hfman in his Hand, Pfat. lxx~viii. nor the deferred Church Power, P_[t!l. lxxvtt. to pray, and believe, and re1oice in the- Salvation of God, at the Difr ofiGion" of Free-will: Bur .the Key is up _in the tDn~lS of ""the Kingly Interceffor, at tke rif!,ht ]!and of the Father, that JI)uft open the_ He·art · 'tis far to fetch as far as the Heaven et ' ' 'h . fl Heavens, to make wind and failin~ to C rwward ; therefor:-, 3· Sea ions of A'ls ~f Grace to b:-