Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt. ~z Triumph of'P'aith jot believe, to walk in any Warmnefs of Love to Chrift and his Members, are Fruits of Royal Liberty GJnd ~!ee-Grace; who bath .the Key of: the ouie of Wme, to itay the Soul with the Flagons and Apples of Lqve ~ Cert::rinly, it is the King himfelf that taketh the ·Spoufe into his banquetling Houfe, Cant. ii. 4· And }let fo as the Omiffion of all ~upematural Duties; yea, our Lazinefs in the Manner of doing, our Failings and Sins are imputed to ourfelves, and not to the not blowing of the Wind of the Holy Spirit, nor to the Want of the efficacious Motion of the Spirit, as Libertines teaGh, with Armineans ; For we fo · :fin through the Want.of the Motions of efficacious Grace, as through the Want of a Phyfical, not of a moral Caufe, <tnd fo as we are moft willing to .want that Influence, and fo are gtdty before the Lord : God bath Reafons thong and convineing, why he worketh thus; x. lt fetteth not Grace to work by Ingagement; the Spirit of the living Creatures is within every Wheel of Chrift, that it muft move from an inward Principle ; the .Motion of faving Grace, is Chrifl's Heart wheeled about b.y irfelf, and: by no foreigh Caufe without itfelf: Love worketh as Love without Bud or Brlbefrom Men or Ang/ts. Grace is both Wages andWork, the Race and theGold to itfelf. Zo Goci delights to have Men and Angels his Deb ~ tors. Grace holdeth an open and free Inn, 1witli all the Dainties that Chrift can.make, to all corners and Goers, for nothing but Thanks, and hearA t ily welcome: Grace maketh no Gain of my Work. The fweating of Angtls, and of the Thoufand Thoufands that fing up the Glory1of Chriit before the hiQh Throne, is no income to ..., U . Chriil's