- -3o6 rihe Trial and SEi. 2~· Chrift's Rent: Grace fhould not be Grace, if it could Traffique, or buy, or fell with a Creature. Angel~ a_nd Men ftand in the Books ot Free-grace for Mllhons of borrowed Sums. Chrifi's Blood aud deep Love may be praifed, but never recompenfed : Chrifi's Love fiath filled this World, and the new Paradife with Debtors ; and Angels can neither read, nor fum, nor caft up the Accompti of Free-grace. 3· That we cannot be Mafters of one good Act, without his preventing Grace,evidenceth what Nature is, anrl maketh Grace both my Staffand my Convoy in atHeaven'sGates;Nature &Free-witt'muft ftoop&do Homage toChrift. there's aGtory active& aG!ory paffive,as there's alfo Graceactive & paffive, free-will is aEtive under Grace, and paffi ve alfo; and therefore, Grace and Mercy, is to the Saints, and upon the Saints ; Kature emptieth its Lamp upon tne golden Pipr, the rich Grace of the Mediator, and free-will moveth and runneth, but not, but as moved,_ driven, and breathed upon by free Grace: But as concerning Glory, it hath a more eminent and noble Relation; Glory .fhall be on the Saints as a Garment, as a Crown, for they fhall be glorified: .But no Glory to the Saints, but only, only to the · ·Lamb, to the flower of the Glory of Glory, .'fefus the Celebrious, Eminent, moft high and adored , Prince of the J(ings of the Earth; and .therefore, there's Room and Place left for Sm and and Shame to free-will in the Bufinefs of predeterminating Grace, that Nature can but :figh and fin, and Grace fing, and be fp?tlefs an~ innocent : Chrift fo draweth, as we fin m not bemg draw~; Chrift fo takeih and allureth, that 'it is ourGUJlt th'atwe are not taken and evercome with the Smelt ' of