Sstt I ~ 2 . Triumph of 'Faith; 3 o7 of the J{ing's Ointments : So is fin the field out of which fpringeth the Rofe, the flower of free and unhired Grttce : Sin muil: go with us, as near to Heaven, as to the Threfhold of the Gates, that the Sinner mav halt and crook, when he moveth his foot on t11e Thtefhold-il:one of Glory ; that fo pardoning Grace may enter the new City with m. 4, The Lord will have us take to H~avl:'n with us, a Book of the Ptalms and Ptaifes of Grace, that in that Land we may extol and advance .free Grace, and may hold the Book in our }\and all the Way, and figh, and weep, and fing, ,and adore the Saviour of free Grace, and· J!1ay take Grace's Bill in our Hand into Heaven with us. 0 how fweet to be Grace's drowned and ov'er-burdened Debtor? . 'Tis good here to borrow much, and profefs Inability, for Eterni t y, to pay, that Heaven may be a Houie fulJ of broken Men, . who have borrowed MiJlions· t~otn Chr.ift, but can never repay more, than to read and fi ng the P raifes of Grace's free Bill, and fay , ·Glory, Glory t ot!:e Lamb, that fttteth on the Throne for. evermore, praiiing for ev~r in Heaven, muft be jn l ieu of p aying Debt. I. God is not behind, nor wan ting to the gracious Soul, for there's a Promi feof Grace here. 2. There is an Interceffion at Hand, and. that more mighty now than at Chrjft's :firft AfCenfion, a·nd fhall be more mighty when all Jfraet ihall ~ conve~t~d, There'_s a fiirring req uired j~ a gracwus Spmt, but wnh. Senfe of Nature's \Vettknefs, f0 as he- is to a rife, and be doing; and ~he Lord jhatt be with hittz, and he js fo to blow upon the Coals, as if he could do his alone; tho' not without the Faith of Dependance upon an jrnmediate ACting from Heaven, U a. Obj.