--3-oS 7 he Trial and SEtt. 2.1. Obj. 3• !But tben Adam, yet (inlefs, •was to !Jelieve Weaknefs and Sin in him/elf, before hi finned. Anf. Not fo, but he was to have that which by Analogy anfwereth to Senfe of .Sin, that is, a finleis Confcioufnefs and Solicitude, that if _Go~ ihould withdraw his ftirring and predetermmatmg Influence of coroborating him to will and to do, (you may call it Grace) he fhould fall, antl that Leg~ in Paradife, without actual Affifiance, could not aBu flcundo, bear the Bulk and Weight of Adam's connatural and confiant walki·ng with God, that Adam might know, before he was a Debtor to J uftice, that he had Need of Mercy, or the free Goodnefs of a Surety, fuch as :Jefus Chrijl, to prevent Debt, no lefs than to pay Debt, even as Angels 'are Debtors to Chriil: their Head, for Redemption from all pof- £ble Sins, no lefs th<1n we are (though the Degrees of Altitude of Grace varie1h much) the obliged Underlings of fuch a bountiful Landlord, for Redemption from actual Mifery. 3· Tha,t is a great Faith, that is not broken with a Temptation; But 1. taketh Strength from a Tempta'tion; as forne run t;nore fwifi:ly after a FaH, that they may recornpence their Lofs of Time·; and that is great Faith that argueth fro~? a Temptation, as this Woman d0th. 2. That Js :(ob's. great Faith, Chap. ii. 3· That ne {fill ~oldeth faft his Integrity; the Wcrd [Hazak] 1s to hold with Strength and Power, He keepeth ft!fl_, and' <u'ith Violence, his Im1ocency: And Fan~ rnaketh him fhonger than he was; the Word 1s ufed, P(al. cx1vii' 1 3· For making jlronger th_e :Bars of Ports. 'And 'tis .7ob's Praife, Chap, 1. zz. In att this :Job finned not, nor charged ~oJ 'IJJ$(/1