SER: 1·2 ' Triumph of Failh. 30~ "With Potty, 3· 'Tis a ftrong Faith in this Woman, that, in a manner, conquers Omnipotency by believing ; yea, Satan, !Finds, Fire' from Heaven, f-Fije, Sabeans, yea, apprehended Wrath cannot prevail ·with 7 ob to fubdue his Faith; in all he ftandeth by t-his, .7ob xv, ~ 3, Though the Lord jhoutd flay me, 1'tl trufl in him : 'Tis great Faith to be at holding and drawing .with God; and yet believe and pray, }/of. xii. 3, Gen. 3 2. 26. And not let the Lord alone, nor give him any Reft, Ifai. lxii. 6, 7, till he anfwer; as fu ppofe thy Prayers were never heard, . and the Ac1:s of believing were but Darts thrown at Rea ven, a.1d the Throne without any Effect; yet becauie Prayer and Believing are AB:s of honouring God, tho' they never benefit thee; it argueth ftrontGrac~, and fo great Faith, that it can ~e faid, there be ten Years, twenty Years of reiterated AB:s of Faith, and Prayers of fuch a Man lying up be... fore the Throne; yea, in Chrift the high Prieft's Bofom; Let God make of my Faith what he wilt, yet am I , to believe: Continued :Believing is Cbrijl's Vue, rhouy;h it jhould never be to me Gain of ·comfort or Succejs : That is, a weak Man who is thrown down on his .Back with a Blafl: of Wind , or made to ~agger with the Caft of a Straw, or a Feather: 1 he temporary Faith is in this feen ·to be foft, -that 'tis brok.en with Pc>rfecu tion; PV/:;en the 0un rifeth anon, [euthoos] .Ll1attl:. xiii. 21. He is offended and· 'u.:ithereth quickly: Some Spirit of i()ft Clay for a Scratch with a Pin on hi& Credit, cafteth away all h4s Confidence, ddpaireth, and hangeth himfelf as , Ahithophr: l: Such a Temptatio.n would not once draw Blood of a ftrong Believer: Straws and FeaU 3 thers