'; 10 The Trial and SER. 2.:& thers and Flax do quickly take Fire, and are made Afhes in a Moment, but not fcl Gold, there's J3o~es and Mettal in ftrong Faith, fo the Martyres Faith, that could not be broke>n with Torments is prov'd to be ~ greatFaith, Heh. x.i ; 5. etympa~ tzi(thefan. 'I'hetr Jlodies were racked out as a :Drum, 8.nd beaten to Death, after raLking, a~d they would not accept a '.IJetiverance: Why? Faith looked to a berur Rejurre8ion: He who fweateth panteth up the Brow of the Mount after Chrift, and carrieth Death on his Back, rnuft have this ftrong Faith, that' Chrift is worthy of Tortures~ A ftrong Faith can bear Hell on irs Shoulders, the Grave and the Sorrows of '.IJeath, and not crack, nor be btoken, PjaJ, xviii. 4· 5, 6. ' '.PfoJ. cxvi. 3, 4· · 4· That Faith is argued to be ftrong that hath no Light of Comfort, but walketh in Darknefs upon the Margin and Borders of a hundred Deaths, and yet ftays upon the Lord, Jfa. l. 1 1. So this \Voman had no Comfort, nor Ground of Senfe of Comfort from Chrift, exceptroughAnfwers, & Re· proaches,. yet fhe bel_~~veth, and ~o ,rnuft _be ftrong ]n the Fa1th, Pjat. 111. 6. '.IJavzd s Fauh ftandeth. ftraight without a Cro?k, when ten tho~rand Deaths are round abemt h1m, and Pfat. xx111. 4· · He feareth no Ill whtn he walk& in the cold and clark Valley of the Shadow ot black Death: Heman, Pial. lxxxviii. 7· Thy fVrath ~yeth hard on me, tho$t haft affii8ed me rwith at! thy TVaves, then, in his Sen!e~ God could do no more to drown him, not W~ves, but all Waves; all God's Waves was on him, ·and ahove him, yet Ver. 9· Lord, I have raUed daily upon thee: Then he b:-l~evC'd daily. JleZiekiab's Comforts are at a hard Pmch, . ~~