' ' SJiR. 13 Triumph of Faith; 3 1 3 Years, at length ~ame to this, 1: enjoy and rejoice with Jo'Y unjpeakabte and glorious; hut he lived . not long after. Another living in Sadnefs all his Life died with Comforts admirable. And, 3· Let this be put as ~ Cafe of Conkience, why divers believing and joying much in God's Salvation all their Life, yet die in great Con~iB:s, and to Be- · holders ·with little Expreffion of Comfort and Feding? As divers of the Saints die. Certainly, God 1. walketh in Liberty here. 2. He would pot have us to limit the Breq.things of the Holy Ghofl, to jump with our Hour of dying. 3· \)le may make an Idol of a begun Heaven, as if it were more excellent than Chrift. To conclude, little Evidem:e, much Adh~rence fpeaketh a ftrong Faith. S E R M 0 N XXIII. T He Woman had no apparent Evidences of believiryg ; yet did If1e hang by 0:.1e fingle Thread of the Word, of the Mercies ot the Son of ~avid. Antanacta.fis, par etida ep etpidi. The more that the Word of Promife bath influtn.ce in believing, and the lefs of convincing Rea~m and appearances, the greater Faith, Rom. iv. Abr4ham had a promife of a Son, in whom the Nations of the 1 WOrtd jbouJd be btej(ed; But, r ~ There was no appearance of this in Nature. Abraham&Sarah at this time were between them two 200 Years old Jacking ten, and fo no natural hope of a Child. 2. He had but one, promife for his Faith ; we have twenty, an hundred, yet Rom, iv. 18. lfe a- ~ainfl hope, believed in hope. 'Tis an elegant liigure having a. Form of a Contraditlio.n, t'here wa~