Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

.. . I ' ~. c . I t '314 The T'rial and SER: 21 was no Hope, yet he had Hope. :.. Ver. 1 9· Not heing ~etfk in the Faith : Then he w.a~firong itt theFatth, andgaveGloryto God, as 1t1sVer. 20 , 3· He jlaggered not through unbeliPj, ou diakrithe, thm 'tis an Argument of weak Faith to 'dif. pute according to the Principles of Natur~l Logick with God, to go on upon God's naked Word without reafoning, is a itrong Faith, efpecially when the Courfe of Providenc<i faith the contrary. The word of Promife is the Mother and Seed of Faith, I Pet. i. 2 3· the more of the Seed the more of the Birth: Wine that is feparated from the Mother cloth foonne.r Corrupt; · that is .firongeft Faith that hath moft of its Seed and Mother that is, ofthe Word of Promife in it. Abrah£m bad nothing on Earth to fuftain his Faith in illing his Son, but on1y a naked Commandment o God, all other Things were contrary to the FaCl:; yet is Faitl~. ftrongeft, when it ftandeth on its own Bans and Legs, and that is the word of Omnipotency, the Word of Promife; other Pillars of Faith are rotten and fandy Foundations ; Infpirations beftde and without the Word, are the nat ural Faiths unwritten Traditions: Every TI1ing is ftrongeft 6rt its own Pillars that God and Nature hath appointed for it: The Earth hangeth by God and Nature~ Statute in the Mids o( the Air, if the Earth were up in the Orb or Sphere of the ·Moon, it fhould not be fo fure as it is now: And if the Sea, Four.tains, and :floods were up in the CJ9uds, they fuould not be fi, free from perifhina, as they now are: Fa,ith is feared moft firmly onba word ofhim, who is able to perform wh~t he bath faid. Wicked Men are feeking Good m :Bloods, in Wars, in the DeftruC1:ion of the Church, of