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SER. 2 3 Trimppb of Faith 3 1 ~ of the ·Reformation and Covenant of God ; yet their AB:ions are not featrd on a word of Protnife.; hut on a threatning that DeftruClion fhall come on them as a Whirl-wind, therefore is not the wicked Mans Bread fiue, · when the Child of God hath Bread, Sleep, Peace, Immunity from tqe Sword (in fo far as the Sword is a Cutie) and that by the Covenant of Promife. This Woman had one Gofpel·word, Mercy from the Meffiah~ 'JJavid's Son. 6. That is a :ftrong Faith which cah forego much for Chrift, and the Hope of Heaven. 111ofes was firong in the Faith in this, wh_o refufed the Treafures~ of Egypt , the Honour of a Princedor:p, and to be called, The Son ofPharaoh's Vaugbter, Heb. xi. 26. F{)r he had an Bye, apebate, an Eagtes look, and Eye to Heaven, to the Recompence of Reward. Ahraham foregoeth Country and Inheritances for God, Heb. xi. 9· 2Jv Faith he Sojourned in the· Land of Prom~{e,-as in a fl_range Country, d·wr:lling in '1 abernacles. 1. He fojourned. 2. He piayed the Pilgrim. ;. He dwelt not in Caftles and Cities, though the Land was his by Prc)mife, and his Grandfon :Jacob dif-. pofed ot it m ,his Teftament, Gen. xlix. 10. For· he tooked for a City which bath Foundations: (to the firong Faith, all Cities ctre bottomlefs ex- ·cept Heaven) "fVhofo maker and builder is God: Now this Womans Fa1th is great in this ;. D1e looked for a Temporary Deliverance from Satan's Power to her Daughter, under the Notion of one of rh,e Jure ~Mercies of 'JJavid, and that by Faith which inberiteth all the Prqmifes : Not to fee beyond Time and Death, nor fee the Gold at the Ra·- ~-=s end fainteth the Traveller, a fight of the tair City