Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

•. c . . , ~_16. The Trial_and SER; 2~ 'Cuy 1~ as a draught ofWtne to the faintingTravel~ ler ; . It addeth Legs and Strength to him ; Heaven Is down-ground, when Faith feeth it, it is (wh~n Sight faileth llS) toi1fome, and up the Mount: When Stephen iQ a near diil:ance heard the Muftck of Heaven, his Countenance did fhine he did leap to be at it : I fee Heaven open and :fefuJ, &c. 7· Tis greJt F_aith to pray, and perfevere, and watch unto praymg, as this Woman did, when Chrift feemeth to forbid to pray; as he both reproached this Woman in her praying, as if it had been .but the crying of a Dog, and faid he was riot fent fi-,r her : \V hen the Promife and Chrift feem tb look ~way fi·om you, and to refufe you, yea, to forbid you to believe ; then to be-lieve is great Faith, AB:ions inNature going on in Strength, when contrarv AB:ions doth countermand them, muft1 be carr~ed with prevailing Strength : It's :ftr~ngth of Nature that the Palm-Tree groweth under great Weights, it's Prevalency of N<iture that mighty 'Rivers when they fo/ell over Banks, ao bre4k over all Oppofitions : Satan bath a Commiffion to hurn and flay; a ftrong Faith quencheth all his fiery Darts, Eph. vi. 16. Let me alone, (faith the Lord to . :facob, Gen. xxxii, 25, 2.6.) Pray no more; .Jacob's ftrong Faith doth meet with this Commandment: Thus, I rzvitl not let . thee alone, I mufl pray on titl thou btefs me: Strong Faith beateth down Mifapprehenfio~s of Promifes, or ofChriil:, and layeth hold on Clmft und~r his mask of Wrath, Lam. iii. 9· And co- •vered with a Cto!jd· . . - 8. Great Boldne:fs m the Fa1th, argueth rr ·~t Faith· there be three Things in, in thts ~ ' ' No-