SI!J.t.. 2. 3 Triumph of Faith: .. 3 17 Notion. i. An Agony and wreftling of :Faith,. Col. i. z9. which is a heavenly violence in believing. 2.., To be carried. with a great Meafure of Perfwafion and Plerophory, with full and hoifed up ·Sails in believing, Cot. ii. 2.. There's a ricli A£furance of Faith. 2. Not that only, but in afJflra8o, there's the riches of A.!furance. 3· There's all riches of AJ!urance. 4· A riches of the full AJJurance of Faith. So il:rong prevailing Light produceth a thong Faith ; Alas, 'tis but . Twilight of Eviden'ce that we have. 3· To be bold, and to put on a heavenly Stoutnefs, and caring, in venturing with Familiarity unto the Throne ofGrace, is a ftrong Faith, Heb. x. 22.. and Heb. iv. I 6. We are to corn~ with Ljberty, and hoty Jlotdnefs to the '1hrone, as Children to their Father;_ fo the Church with heavenly Familiarity, and the daring of Grace and Faith prayeth, Cant. i. I. Let him kifs me ~£..1ith the K~ffes of his lifouth: .?ohn's leaning·on Chrift's Bofom is not Familiarity of Love only, bur of Faith alf9 ; In whom we have Jloldnefl and.. Accefs witlo Confidence by Faith, Eph. iii. 1 ~. Faith dare go u,nto the Throne, and Heb. x. 19. :(() the Holy of Holies ; Faith bluiheth not. 9· That which leadeth a Man with Paul and Sitas to fing Pjatms ~in the Stocks, in Prifon, and in Scourge.~, that is a ftrong Faith ; .7ob is hence known to be ~rong in the Fa_irh, becaufe being made a moft m1ferable Man m regard ofheavy Affiitl:ions, he could blefs God : A ftronP.: Faith prophefieth glad Tidings out of the Fire~ out ~t the Window of the Prifon, and rejoiceth in Bonds~ Mi.;. vii. g_ 9· Jfa. lii. I, 2.. and liv. 1, 2, 3, 4· 70 glory in Tributation is an Ar~ument of one jl1fti-