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.B 18 7he Trial and SrR: 2~ Faith,.R,om. v.. I, z, ;. And~hegreater Glonanon ofChnft s Chams and Crofs IS a thonger Reafon to conclude a ftrong FJith. xo•. 'I'o wait in Patience for God all the Day long, 1s an Argument of great Faith, !fa. xxviii. 16. He that believeth fhqll not make ha,(le ; he !hall not be confounded wlth fl1ame (f<> the Seventy tran:flateth it, and Paut after them, Rom. ix. ; 3·) As thofe that flee from the Enemy out of haftineis, procured by bafe fear, which is a fhame: I dare not fay that the Seventy readeth [UchzJh] fejlinet inftead of [Ubhujh] confundatur: But it proveth believing and a valorous keeping the .1 Field without flying, and fo continued waiting on God, fo be of Kin to believing ; and the longer the Thread of Hope be, though it were fevcnty Years long, as Hab. p. 1, 2. or though it were as long as a Cable gomg between the E~rth and the Heaven, up within the Vait, Heb. vt. 19. the ftro~ger the F~ith muft be; Unbelief not being chamed to Ch niJ: leapeth over board at firft, as the wicked Kingfaid in the hafte of Unbelief, 2Kinf{S .vi. 33· What Jhoutd I "..Vait any tong er for the Lord ? Faith is a Grace for Winter, to give God leifure to bring Sufnmer in his own Sea{on : The Reafons of our Weaknds be two, r. We fee Ifraet and their dough on their Shoulder~ wearied and tired, lately come out of the Brick Furnace, wandring witqout one Foot of Heritage, forty Years in the Wildernefs? and four hundred Years in hf..ypt, A8s vii. 6. Thi.s looketh like Poverty, to bellere the other M yftery in the other Side or Page of Providence, the Glory of dividing the Red-Sea, and of giving fe_ven mighty Nat_ions to his People, apd theu· Bu!Id.i1;1gs1 Lands, V meyardi: G~rden~, a