S:&i. 23- _ TYi~mph of Faith. _ "3_19 is a ftrong Fa1th. · · 2.. The Furnace IS a Thmg void of Reafon and Art, and fo knoweth little, that by it the Gold-fmith rnaketb an excellent and comely Veffel of Gold: 'Tis great Faith to believe, that God by crooked Infl:ruments, and Fire and Sword fhall refine a Church. and ereCt a glorious building, and thefe Malignant Inftuments are as ignorant of the Art of divine Providence, as Coals and Fewel are of the Art and Intention ' of the Gold-Smith, Mit. iv. I 2. lfo. ~· 5, 6, .7· The Ax and Saw know nothing' of ,Art, nor the Sword any Thing of Jufiice. Prelates, Papifts, Malign.ants in the three 'Kingdoms undedtand nothing of God's deep Counfel upon themfelves, in that God, by a Fire of their kindling, is burning themfelves, arid raking ,away the Tin and Brafs, and reprobat~ Mettal, and refinin~ the Spoufe of Chrift: they ferve a great Sencice, but know not the Mafter of the Work. 1 r. An humble Faith, fiJch as was in this Yvornan, is a great Faith : The more Sins that ar~ pardoned, as it inferreth the more Love to Chrift, ' Lulw vii. 4 7. So the unworthiet a Soul .is in itfelf, to ~elieye Pardon in Chrift, a~gueth the greater Fatth; 1t muft be a greater Faith, to believe the Pardon of ten thoufand Talents, than to believe the Forgivennefs of five hundred Pence: Chrift efteemeth it the greateft Faith in Jfraet, that tbG: Centurion abafet}l himfelf, as one unworthy to come under one Roof with him, and that he exalteth Chrift in his Omnipotency to believe th'at he can command all Difeaies at ~is Nod, Matth. viii. 8, 9, 1 o. I z. A fbung defire of a_Communion with Chrifl: is an Aq~ument of a 11rong Faith, Rev. xxii. 20. Surety