3'0 ~he Trial and SER.1t S~rely 1 come [tachy] <~ickty, Faith aniwereth wtth a hearty defire -~~men, even fo, come Lord :fefus, ar.d 2. Pet. 111. I 2. Thefe two are con . joined, th~ one is a 'N ord of Faith [pro(dokontes-] Looking for : The other a Word of earncft Defire, epeudontesl!ajling after (Stepha. votis accete. rantes) the commy; of the 'nay of the Lord. Faith defireth ·an Union with Chrift and a Marriage Union: The Reafon is, ftrong Faith cometh from ihong Love, and ftrong Love and ftrong Coals of defiring to be dHfolved, and to be with Chrift, Phi/. i. 23. Bu~neth in .at Heavens Door; Love-ficknefs for Glory goeth as high as the loweft ftep of the Throne that the Lamb Chrifl fitteth on; and 'tis Faith and Love together, that defireth Chrift to mend his pace, and iaith, Cant. viii. I 4· Make hafte, my betoveq, and be as a Roe or a'_young Hart upon the Jlrfountaim of Spices. The fervor of Love cha1le.-:'1geth Time, and the flow-moving Wheels of Years and Months, and reckoneth one Hour for a Day, and a Day for a Year, P[at. ci. 2. 0 ~,;,;hen wilt thou com.e to me? So hope deferred is a Child-birth pain, and a Sick71e(s ofthe Soul, Prov. xiii. 1 z. Faith with Love cannot endure a Marrow : Faith putterh Chrift to p~{ling, and leaping over MoU1ttains, and skipping over Hills, Cant. ii. 8. And addeth Wing~ to .hi'rn, to flee more quickly. Ye~ is there a Caunot;l here moft confiderable; Fatth both walketh leifur~ly and with leaden Feet, and tnoveth fwiftly with Eagles Wings :Faith, jn !egard oflove and deiire ofUnion with -God, is f\v1fr, and bath ftrong Motions for an Union ; yea, a ' Love-ficknefs to be at the top of .the Mount to be fatiated with a Feaft of Chrift's enjoyed Face j but