\ SER· 2 ~- Triumph of Faith. 'iz t ' hut in reP.:ard of a wife Affurance that God's time is .fitteft, l't maketh no hafte : So to wait on, and to hafte may ftand together, z.. P~t. iii: I o. 1 , ,.Faith effectual by, 0r withChild o~Love aml good Works is a ftrong Faith, 1 I'hef. 1. 3· RetmmbringJ'OUr work of Fa~th,PJ1ilem . ve~.6 . Faith effectual. There be Bones m a ftrong Falth; yea, Sap a'nd Life. How many thouf.ands of Apples be there virtually in a Tree that beareth Fruit, for thirty or forty Years together ·? So 'tis faid of Stephen, That he was full of Faith an_d Power, AB:s vi. R. And Jlarnabas, Act. xi. z.4. Full of }be Holy Ghoft and of Fai~h. What is then a 1mall F,aith, or a weak Faith, is eafily known. 1. A Faith void of all doubting, is not a weak Faith, nor yet the itrong Faith: Antinomit11zs err many ways in this point, t. After the Re-velation ofthe Spirit, neither 'lJevit nor Sin can make t he Sout to doubt (fay they;) yea, but the Spirit of Revelation_ was in .7eremiab, who doubted when he complamed, Chap. xv.' v. I 8. to God of 'God, . wilt thou be to me altogether as a Liar, and as TVaters that fait .2 Chap. xx. 7, 8, 9· v, 14. · r 5~ 16. 'Job doubted, Chap. xiii. v. 14. whe·n he faid, TVherefore hideft thou tl~v Face, and ho!defi me for thine, Enemy ? And .Afoph, Pf. lxxiii. I~ · _Heman, Pf. lxxxviii. q, 14. 15· And the Church.' Pfal. 1xxvii. yet all thefe were feated by tbe fpirit unto the CZJay Of Redemption. z.; This is l ike the foul Error of the Arniinians, who with Socinians, hold, that as there be three degrees of Believers, r. Some babes. z. Some aged, fo there is a third fort of truly per feB: ones,' who do not Sin fi·om the root of Concupifcence, the Cam.bat bet·ween the FJej!J a-mJ the [pirit now ce:rjing;, o;;lJ' X tho/