~3'22 1he Trial and Sr:R.•1l they fin th1•ough Inadvertancy or fome Error, or over-rlouding of their Light, as Adrmz and the .Angels finned, there being no inward Principle of Corruption in them. Hence fome Libertines fay Theie that are in C"'hrift can no more fin, and no: w~lk ' with <?od,than the Sun can leave o!f to give Ltght, or F1re to caft Heat! or a Fountam to fend out Streams, in regard that the Spirit atleth them to walk with God by fuch a neceffary impulfion that deftroyeth all freedom ofWill; and if they :fip, they are not to be blamed, becaufe the Spirit moveth them not to abfi:inence from fin, and to ho.. ly walking. But Pau}1 a chofen J7effel, and a ' :ftrong Believer, Rom. vii. 14, I 5, 16, q, (:Jc. complaineth of the indweiling of Sin, of his Carnality, and the flefh's Iufting againit the Spirit7 and of hts Captivity under fin, which muft argue his imperfeft Faith, liable to the diftemper of finful doubtings. It isalfo a great Error to fay, That to call in queftion, whether God be my Father after, or upon the Comm~l]ion offome loainous fins, as Murder, Inte(l, 0c. doth prove a .1l1an to be in the Covenant of 1f/orks. Now there be fundry forts of Doubtings oppofite to Fa_irh. In the renewed, there's I. A natural doubtmg ; and as all Popery is natural and carnal, f(, this ftrangqnefs of AffeA:ion by which Men are unkind to Chriit, and never perfwaded of God's Favour in Jef~:s Chrift, argueth the Party to be under the Law, and not in Chrift. Th.is doubting may, and doth in carnal Men confiil: with Prefumption, and a mo·ral falfe pt:."rfwafion that natural Men have all ·of them, while their Confcience be wakned, that they fball befaved. fVhy ? 1smz not a .llfurderer, a Sorceret:, l:'<c. PVhy? Or, ho::.v can God throw 'ii'iC