Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt·. 21 . 1'riu_mph of lraith . 'j ij' me into Het/ ? So 'tts made up of real Ltes and Contradictions; yet they have no divine certainty of Salvation. For. ask a natural Man. Have you ! a full alfurance of Salvation, as you fay, that you always believe and doubt not ? He fhall be there at a Hand, .and anfwer, Who can have a full A(- furance? But I hope well, I believe well Night and Day. And fo no doubt Papifts alfo, and they have a Lie in their right Hand, it cannot flaml ~vith God's Mercy or .7uJlice ;Jince I am not this, aniJ this, to throw me into Hell. So , is Unbelief , Lie, Jfa. lvii. I I. And of whom hafc thOZf been ajr'aid and feared, that thou haft tied and haft not remembred me ? 2. There's an occa-· :fionall doubting that rifeth by ftarts upon wicked Men out of an evil Confdence of fin, but it vanifhe th as a Cloud ; as in Pharaoh's Confeffion, 1 and my People have finned. This argueth a Law-fpirit, · rifing a?d falling _afle~p again._ 3· There's a final doubt1ng ofdefpa1r, hke th~ Doom Eafl: _?n the co~demned Malefafto_~ _; as m Cain, Gen.Iv. q. 14. m Saul 1 Sam.xxvtiL q,r6. All thek conclude Men under the Law, and thecurfe of it. But there's 4· A doubting in the Believers, which though a :fin, yet (if I might have leave to borrbw the Expreffion) is a godly fin, not becaufe it is not a :fin indeed, and fo oppofite to Grace and Godlinefs ; but a gracious fin, RationeJubje8i, in regard of the Perfon and Adjunfl:s, it being a Neighbour to favjng Grace ; :and no Reprobate can be capable of this :fin, no more than Pagans, or ~agitious and extreamly wicked Men can be capable . of the fin a gainfc the Holy Ghrfl. So :Beggars are re~oteft from high and perfonal 'rreafon, becaufe they have never that honour to X z. ' . come , I