., . . , · .. • I I ' t '324 1he 'Trial and ~R. 23 come near the King's Perfoh. So t])avt"cJ's Bones, not Saut's Bofies, were broken, Pf.li. 10. humbled Bones. (For a humbled ,. Heart is called [Nidcheh] Broken, and bruifed with a fear of God's ·z~:rath for fin. And the converted Souts moifture is turned to the drought of Summer, Pfal. xxxii. ·3, 4· .A;tdhis:Bones waxen otd "'~ith roaring atZ the :JJay, God with-holding the joy of his Salvation. This doubting befalleth never any reprobate under the Law or Covenant of Works; and fo, though it be an ill thing, yet 'cis a good fign, as outbreakings of Boils in rhe Body are in themfdves Difcafes, Infirmities, Diftempers, . and contrary to perfeEt Healt~; yet they ~re often good figns & Arguments offtrength of I.tfe, and much vital heat and healthinds of Conftitution. That AffeEti~ns of the Child of God, under Inceft; Murder,-0r other hainous fins be fl:irred, that Sonow be wakned and rife, when our Father is offended, and when our Lord fi·owneth and fl:andeth behind the Wall, and goeth away, is lawful~ yet it fpeaketh Tendernefs of Love, Softnefs ~f Heart, but that they be fo far wakned as to doubt, and fearthatthe Lord be· changed, that he hat/J forgotten to be merciful, that is finful doubting, but doth no ways conclude, that the Perfon is under the Covenant of Works; but the contrary rather, that Grace fitteth and bordereth with this doubting. And fo that the Perfon is underGrace, not under 1 !he Law. Even •where Faith is thong, it is not ev~r m the fame Temper. Health n!ofl: vigorous w:ll vary in its degrees and decreafe at times of Dlftemper, and yet be fl:ropg & have much of~if~ in it. Take the fl:rong and experienced Chr1fbans Life in its \Vhole continued Fratne, and for the m oft