Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Stra· 2 3 . Triumph of Faith; 3 2 ;' rnoft part he bath the better of'}ll Temptations; but take him in a certain Stage, or nick of Provi - dence when he is not himfelf, "and he is brlow his ordinary Strength, even in that wherein he ex - celleth. If a gracious Temper of Meeknefs like Chrift, was not the predominant-Element of Grace ., in Mofes, yet it was in a great meafure in him, he bearing the Name with him, who beft knoweth Names, arid Things, of the meekejl ll1an in tl c Earth : Yet in that which was his Flower, he . proved weaker than himfelf, and fpake unadvifedty with his Lips. Our higheft Graces may meet with an ill Hour; 7ob by the Teft1mony of the Hoty Ghofl is patien't, re bave heard oj the cpa~ tience of 7flb. And Chap. iii. We have heard of the curfit;g Paffion of :Job alfo. Believing i.~ like failing, which is not always equal, often ftrepgth ofWind will blow the Ship twenty miles backward. 2. The fmalleft meafure of Faith. The minimum quod fie, is fincere adhc>rence to Chrift. Not that negative a~~erence firnply, by which iorne one may fay, I dare not for a World quit ;n_y part in Chr~fl:, or give up ~~ itb hiiJ?. Natural Spirits may have a .natural Te11dernefs, by which they dare not quit Chrift, and give up with him ; yet there's no fa.ving Faith in natural Spirits, but there's in the· Believer forne pofitive adherence und~r, or with the Negative, by which , there's a Power of Love and Kindnefs, making the Soul to deaveto Chrifl: : There may be arear ·w~aknefs .with this; and great failings, and ye~ Fatth unfeigned. ~ We, have need of much Charity to thefe that are weak in Faith. A Reed, a brol<:en Reed may grow ; and Chri!l will not break it. A buried Believer is a Believer ; if Chrift X 3 have