·326 TheTrial and Sn. '-J l1ave a near Relation of Blood to a piece of blue CJay, and the dead Corps of a Believer ; feeing i~ his flelh there's the Seed & Hope of aRefilrrectwn, as ~he Seed ~nd ,Hope ofHar~eft is in rotting, and dymg Grams of Wheat iown in the cold Earth, as is clear, Pf. xvi. 9· 1 Cor. xv. 42, 43· 44· Much more the Relation of.Mercy remaineth in Chrift,toward the wreftlina, deferred,& felfdeadBeliever. 1\ow, this fmalleftMeafureof Faith, may conftft, I. vVirh much ignorance of God, as it was with the believing Difciples, who continu- , ed with Chrift in his Temptations, confeffed him, believed and adhered to him, when many went back, and departed from him, Luke xxii. 2 8. 2 9· Mat. xvi. 16, q. "ohn vi. 66, 67, 68, 69. And yet were ignorant o great Points of Faith, as of his Death, Mat. x,vi. 2 I, 2 2. Ofhis RefurreB:ion, :John xx. 9· ~. So there be great faintings and doubtings, when a Storm arifeth, and the Soul is a linking, Mat. viii. 25, 26, 27, ll1at. xiv. 3· Yet a little Faith is Faith. As touching a fainting Faith, 'tis not always a weak Faith that fain.teth; "' ftrong and healthy Bodies may have Fevers, and , Deliquil1ms. For the caufes of fainting are~ 1: The want of the Influence of Mercy, and of fbrrmg or exciting Grace caufeth fainting, z. Cor. iv 1• .As fLt'e are mercted, ukekkakumen wefaint not; we degenerate not. It is in the Bofom ot Chrift and · lieth about the Bowels on our merciful, high Priejl, that keeperh_trom fainting.: If our lnrerceifor pray not: we famt, Luke :xxu. 32. I prayed that thy E!tith, me eklipe may not beeclipfe,1. The Moon is in a certain Death, and foon in an Edipfe; {0 ]s Faith under fainting. ~·Fear of Wn1th may caufe Diftratlion, and bwgmg of Mmd,