Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SER: 23 Tr{umph of Faith.' _ 3 27 Mind, and Uncertamty, where there ts flron.Q' Faith, Pfal.lxxxviii.I4,I 5· compared with v.8.~· 0s Apprehenftons reFort of God, fo are we affected in believing. ' Yet may it be collected fi:om Mat. x. 1 9· In that hour it jball be given ~ryou, that Chrift holdeth the He(ld of a fainting Believer. S· The .Dependence of Faith will faint, when Chrifl: withdraweth ~ove, .though he inflict no Angfr. The Ingenmty ofGrace gathereth Fear from a Cloud, though. there be no Storm. 3· A Soul dead in himfelf, and that cannot put out ' Faith in AB:s, for want of Li!~ht and Comfort, js a weak Faith. A Tree in Winter is a living Tree. There rnay be Life where there's little Stirring or Motion, 4· That Faith that feerned fmall'eft to the Ma11 himielf,·' is fometime in itfelf greateft. 1. In fad Defertions there's u1oit of Faith~ and leaft of Senfe of Fai th, P(al. 22. I. 2. A iuffering Faith may be fin'ali to the Sufferer. Many ofthe Martyrs., in their own fen{e, were in a dead and unbelieving Condition: Yet Chrift is more commended for a firfferinrr Faith than a:ny, Heb. xii. r, z, ;. In that h'e did n;n, endure the CI·ofs for the Glory that was before him. He finv Heaven. Ana hir. Faith went throufth Hell, to -be at Heaven. There is a hi rh Comn~endation put on the fi.1ffering Faith of th~fe wht) \Nere tried with :JJoml:i, Imprifomnent, fa·7.l'it afonder, r/tt.Jcked, flain cz,vit!J tbe Sczt·ord, Heb. xi. 37, ;8. Of ::.vhoratbe lPorld was 1'10t ~vortl:Jy.This is not ~JUt upon the acl:iv;e, and doinr~ Faith, which is put upon the p~ffive Faith ; 'nor is fo much faid of· theft>, who, by Faith, putiecl~lo~·n the H'ttlls ~f .7cricbo, ~f Gideon, JJerucb, Samfon, and iuch as by Feirb jubik;ed J{i:wdoms. X o rr• 4 4 J.l1e