Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

)28 . T_he T_ria~ and SER. ~l 1 he Re~fon 1s, iu_ffermg Is a ~ofs _of Being and Well-bemg. Thefe who by domg oive away their Evil-being for Chrift, and crucify their Lufts for him, are dear to him: But ~uch as die for Chrift, they gave away ~oth_ Bemg and Well-being. Mofts and Paul, who m a manner were content to go to Hell, with believing that God's Glory in fa ving the People of God, was to be preferred to their et~rnal ~eing, and Well-being, behaved to hav~ great Faith. 3· The/Fa;ith that is weak, in regard of Intention of Decrees, may be a great Faith in regard of'Extention : The Children of God, who1e Life is the Walk of Faith,2 Cor. v. 7· May have but a fi:nall Meafure ofFaith :Yet ~tis a conil:ant and well-breathed Faith, good at the !ong Race that carrjeth a Soul through: ln x. His natural Capacity to believe God wm feed him: And, 2. In his civil Relation~, as a Father, Son, Servant, Magifrrate, 3· In his ipiritual Condition, in the Duties of the firft Table; in all which Capaciti'es we are to walk by Faith. Yea, to eat, drink Deep; to laugh, to •weep, as concerping the ordering of all theie Heaven-ward, hy Faith. All t~e Samts that go t~ Heaven ?e· lieving, and otdenng all thefe Condmons by FaJth, have ~ot a}ways a ~ Faith as great as Abra!Jam, as ll.fojcs, Weak Legs carry fome through the .:E:arrh many thoufand Miles: A forry and fmall Vdfel ,' in Compa:-ifon of others., may fail about the Globe ·of the 'whole Earth. The Wings of a Sparrow or a Dovr, can c~rry thefe little B1rds, through as much Sea and Lam~, as the Wings of an E ag le doth carry the Eagle. But ere I go froP1 this Point, I crave Leave to add fomewhat of the Iea ft and ftnalleft Meafure of Faith, z. Of the Condition of the Child of God under it. Touch-