Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SER· 23 Triumphof Faith·. . 3~9 Touching the former, 1 only ia\' rhere IS a Degree of Fire, and a Coal fo imall, that lefs cannot be, the Thing remaining; Fjre having the Nature, Effimce, and Prqperties of Fire. And when any is in a Deliquium or Swoon, the Man bath Life, but it is kept in narrow Bounds, there· is Breathing only. z. Some vital Heat. 3· Some internal Motion in the Heart and Vital, and an imal Spirits, . but no more to prove Life almoft~ than the Man is a dead Corps: Yet fomewhat there is to difference him from dead Clay: 'For Friends will nqt bury a fwooning Man willingly and knowingly. So at the loweft Condition of the weakeft Faith that ..the Believer is in, fame Fire and C9al of Love :tnd Faith there is~ ~nd fome Smoaking though little Fire, and ·po:ffibly we cannot give it a Name. Yet if the .7ufl live by Faith, there muft befome Meafue of Faith. , 2. Some i\noaking ot Love to Chrift 3· Some ,difcerning of an iTLCondition. N0 Man on Earth 'in a Sleep hath a reflet1: AB: to know that he fleepeth; no dead Cows knoweth ~tfdf to be dead. Never fleenin!' M~n could fay, nay, not Adm;t in his ~rll: Sfeep~ when God formed the Woman out ot a Rib of his Side, Now I am jZeepiny,. No Man naturally dead,- can fay, N c·w am I Elead, . and I ty among the l'Vorms and Cwruption. Veath maketh no Report of Death: But the Believer can iay at his loweft Condition, Cant, 5· r. IjZeep, but myHeart ':.vaketh; and he who faith, Pfat. 1 r 9· Lord quicken 1.rze, mufi:fay, Lord, lamdead; yetto{ay, Lord quicken me, and to feel and know Deadnefs, are Atl:s of the Life of Grace. A Saint in this Condition may love Chriit thro 11 gh half "a . Dream, and ~alf Deeping, half waking, retain hontnrra- . bk