Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

B 30 The 1rfal and SER; 2; ble Thoughts of Chr~fr, .7ob I 3· r 5· & x ix. 2 5 , 26, ~ i. Som~ have fat~,. I~ Hell th~y fhould love Chr1ft. Tlus Truth IS m It, That m fuch a Pain and fad Condition of fufferino, as the Damned are in, (Sin, pefpair, or 9"od\ hating of them excepted) Samts can ,bdteve and love Chrift P[at. 22. I. at leaft defire to have Leave to lov~ Chtift; fqr the EvJ of Sin mav, the Evil of Puni !hment cannot q'.1ench the Lm;e of Chrift, which 1s ftronger than Death, than Hell, Cant. 8. 6, 7• T he Soul at the lowf>ft Condition, is like theMan ·who h-.rh engaged his Lands for fo great a Sum as may be a ,iuft Price to buy the Land ; and 1o in ."E ffe8: he bath fold the Land, but with a Rever- :fion; he J.~eepeth the Reverfion : And fo by L aw, within fuch a Time, he may red~em his morgaged Inheritance. The weakeft of Believers, at his loweft Ebb, keepeth he Reverfion of Chriit : He may, by fom~ grievous Sin, be unde~ fuch a te rrible •Drfert10n, as to put the Inhentance of JI~aven to a too great Hazard of being loft; and j 0 Appearance, ~nd in his own Senfe,... and in the Senfe of many, all is gone; yet then, to fay nothinf! of the invifible Chain ofGod's unchangeable Dec~~e of Eleaion, which th(! ftrongeft Arms of D evils and Hell c::mnot break; there is Fire un- . der the Embers, Sap and Life in the Root of the the Oak Tree: God faith of the Bud of this Vir.e Tree~ thouPh the Man neither fee nor hear it, [Eejlroy it n~t, for there is a 1Jle{jiny, _in it. As touching the fecond: .the Q2:left1011: ~!lay be, \ "\' hat remaineth for him m thJS Condmon, to know h is Condition, or what can he do~ I aniwer, :i. When Chrifi hatp left his Bed, and is gone, he is to 'keep warm the Seat that Chrift was in; . I