SER. 2 3 Triumph of Faith~ ' 33 r I do not fay that the Churcb, Cant. v. 6. was at the loweft Ebb .; yet a Defer.tion there was, and a fad one: But in this Condititm, .fhe openeth her Heart to Chrift, I rofe up to open to my Jletoved. z Ver,fe 5· Thet·e ·be feme 2Jropings of MyrriJ from her ,Hands, fome Senfe of Chri{l. 3· I ea!., Jed him, bttt he ahfwered me not; there remaineth a Faculty of Praying. 4· A Love-iicknefs: Hence it is evident in the loweft and ebbeft Con4! ~lidon of a fainting Faith, there is iomething an-- fwerabl!'! to this, and this is, to love the Smell of Chrifl: that he bath left behind him,. when he himfdf is gone; it is to deftre to behold, with Love and L~nging, the Print of his Feet, !he Chair of Love thp.t he fat in: Hence, though you feel no Work of Santl:ification, his Seat is kept by fome fpiritual Meditations; as to confider, what a kind of Love it is that Chrift bath beftowed on Sinners, for 'that he loved his own before he died for them, his Love heing the Caufe why he died . for them ; and flill after the pm·chafed Redemption, he loveth them, and intercedeth for them up at the right Hand of God; and this is a5 much as to fay, Chrift hathJoved you, and repenteth not of his Love; Love made him die for you and if it were to do again, he would die over again ff)r you, Ro'in. viii. 33, 34· 1 'ltm. 3· J 6. And iuppofe we that there were Need that Chri.ft fhould die twice, or four· times, or an hundred, or Millions of Timrs, and that he ,had ten thoufand Millions of Lives, and that our fins Jhould have required that he fhould :firft die for one Believer, and then die again tho fecu::1d Tune for another, and then the third Time for another: And fo that he muft for every {eve.., ral El~ct Perion h;;.ve died a fevcral Death; LoveLove)