' •. I I ,. ·33'1 1be Trial and SER:2 3 L?v~ fhould have put hirn.upon all thefe Deaths willmgly: And therefore, 1f the Believer had ten Loves, as many Loves in one as there be elected Men and Angels, all had been too little for Chrift . ·, ~nd wh":n, th~ B~liever hath been ferving and praifmg up m the h1ghefi: Temple, as many Millions of A!!es of Years, (ora Tract of Ett>rnity anfwerable t~) that Duration of Ages) as the Number of the Sand 'on all the Coafts in Earth, of all the Stars in Heaven, of all the Flowers, Herbs Plants Leaves of Trees, that bath been, or fhall'be fro~ the Creation of God, to the taking dowa of the Workmanfi1ip or ~ea~e~ and Earrh; . yet Jhaii ·he be as much m Chrtfi: s Debt for thts infinite Love, when that Time is ended, as when he firft opened his Mouth in the firfr Bn:athing out of Praifes in the State of Glory. 2. He may turn over in his Mind all the Promifes, and the literal Revolution of them in the Mind,_though it be but a Deed or AB: of the underftandmg and Memory, may cafr Fire on the AffeEl:ions, m which there refideth a Habit ot Grace : Tho' there be no Fire in the Bellows, yet blowing with the Bellows, may waken up, and kindle Fire in the Hearthwhere there is little: The Habit of Grace is often as Sparks of Fire on the Hearth, under the Afhes, and may be kindled up, and made a Fire. 3· Wh('n Faith is weakeft, and the Soul under a Winter, and a dead Eclipfe; 'tis fit to keep the Heart in a paffive Frame of receivingofhim again, as to forrow for Sin, and to put to Door unrepented Sins ; as when the King goeth abroad, fweep the Chamber fi)r his Return. Mifi1ng of Chrift, longing for his return; lnguifition for him, 'fVatchmen Jaw ye him ? Love-ficknefs for him, putteth ' - the