-SER. ~4 Triumph 'oj Faith . ~~3 the Soul in a fweet paffive Capacity to receive him aaain, Cant. iii. I, z, :;, 4, 5· 4· When the Church is in Bed fleeping, yet Jhe is charged tn open, Cant. V, 2. to weep at the Noife of Chrift's "· Knock; when yqu cannot rife, is fomewhat; a p;iioner may itir his Legs, and Caufe the Iron Fetters tiukle, though he cannot get out; there is fome Strength when we are bidden, Heb. :xii. I 2. Lift up the hands that han~ down, and the feeble knees: Motion will make Fire. 5· Efpecially Chrift fleepeth leaft, 'when his child is in a high Feaver : Love watcheth then moft at the Bed Sidt::. S E R M 0 N. XXIV. THy Faith] Faith is fo Chrift's as the Fountain 1 and the Caufe, that it is ours as Agents moved and acted by Chriit. Hence 'tis a foul erro ~ to :fay, 'Ihat ·there's no inherent RiJ;hteoufnefs in the Saints, and no Graces in tbe Souls ofJletiev- . ers, but in Chrift '·onty: There's Water, even the Spirit ·poured out on dry Ground, If~ . xliv. S· God's Spirit put within us, ,Ezek. xxxvi. 26, z7. 'Ihe Spirit of Grace, and of Supplication poured on the Houfe of Vavid, Zach. xii. I o. A ~vr#l wit hi ;~ the Saints, fpringing up to' Life e·verlaflinr,, John 4:- r 4· 'Ihe Father and the Son, through the Operatwn ~f Grace, t..ake up hottfe in them, John 1 4· 2 3· S1.1ch a new Stock and Plant of H eaven fet in them as they have the Anointinrr d:zvelling in them, I / J<:h ii. 2.7. The Seerl ofGod abiding in them, I John iii. 9· Unfeigl!ed Fai't!J d:zve£!i;2g in 'Timothy, z '!i~. i. 5· Grace in them, ~s F1re under Allies, 2. 'It m. 1. 6.-.And a new CZJ.i·