Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

33~ The Trial and SER: ~4 vin(J Nature, 2 Pet. 1. 4· An inward Man, 2 Cor. iv. 16. Col. i. 27. C~rifl in you the bopeojgtor~v: Nor are the facutttes of the Soul, and the T¥orkings thereof in our Converjion, de(lroyed, as fome ['ty, as if the llo!y Ghq{t ihould come infiead of thefe ; fcJr Chrtft taketh down old Work, and makcth a new Building for himfdf, but the Stones are our~, the Soul remaining in its Powers and Operat10ns, the Un<Jerft:anding and will1·ernain, but opened, Luke xxiv. 45· .7ohnxxi. .18. Eph. i q, 18 Eph. iv 23, 24. Chrift removeth the Rubbifh, and the Frowardnefs, and overgoldeth our Stones ; 'tis our Matter and his W orl:man- .:fhip. Hence we are Agents, Grace teacheth no. Man to be lazie, for becaufe all the moral Actions of the renewed a're commanded of God ; if we by Grace were no Agents in thefe, but meer Pa~ients, and Chrijl's & the Ilely Ghofl the only immediate Agents, in the omi::ting of believing, praying, praifing, hearin~~' in not doing all our natural and civil Actions for God, and in a fpiritual Way; yea, and in our forbearing to murder, whore, :Blaipheme c:Jc. (for by the c~·ace ofChrift the Saints abftain fi·om Sin) we fhould not Sin, all thefe wir:ked Atl:s were to be imputed to the Grace of Chrift, and the holy Ghoft, which is :Blafphcmy, and a flatturning ofrheGrace of God into Wantonqefs: Now we are, by Grace, to be Agents, to purge ourfelves, 1 ,7o!Jn 'iii. :;. to r~m with enlarged Hearts in God's \V ay, Pfol. cx:x. 3 2. '10 fiir up, and blow upon Grace under Aihes, 2 'Itm. i. 6. 'IO watk in Ch~ifl as "We have received him, Col. ii. 6. 'Io keep our[etves in the JfJve ofGod, Jud. ver. 21. Ufc.