Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SnR:~ 24 Triumph of Faith; '33:J· ,Uje. We are to /be careful of the Stock, not to hurt or wafte the Stock ofGrace, he who is fpen.. ding on his Stock, ere it be long, fuall have no~ . thing; caft ·not Watt!r upon your own Coal, to ·quench the Spirit, or to grieve it. See what grows out of your Stock? What Income and Crop of. the Fruits of the Spirit Jhall retur,n to Chrlfl: ? The Lord demandeth of every Child of God, what, and where is the Stock, and wqere is the Rent of Heaven? It is the Virtue of the Merchant to increafe the Stocl<:, and in all Loffes to ftrive to keep it whole. · There is a Wafting of the Habit of Grace, which is a dangerous· Thing,. Epb. iv. 30. There is a fadding of the Spirit, and a rubbing off of fome Letters or Chatade·rs1of the broad Seal of the Spirit, which is ' f<)tbidden; even as break fome Spokes or Alextree of the Wheels of a weat Work, and the Mill, orthe Horologue is at ttand, and nothing; bewar~ · that noWards of the Confctence be broken, for Fear that the Key of Vavr.'d that openeth th~ Heart, fit them not, or fuit not with the Lock: :/)avid brake a Ward and a Sprint of the new Heart by his Adultery and Bloodfhed, and therefore no Artificer, but one only in Heaven, could put the Lock in Frame again, Pfat. Ii . 1 o. The 11ew Creation is like a curious Horologue made of Cryftal Glafs, it rnuft be warrily and tenderly handled; the Frame of the Workmanlhip of the , Jloty Ghofl dwelli7~s in us, 2. Tim. r. 14. muft be kept from the leafl: Craze or Throw in all the· Vvheels and Turn~ngs thereof; yea, the leaft Mote muft not reft on lt. §!uejlJ What mniU be done tokeep in goodTemper the ~ewCreation.A,;if. r. Be-- ware to g.o toBed &fkepw!th aBone .broken ordif- . jQinted