., . r I ! ,, . ' I ' 'I 'I ., i .. : .336 . 1he Trial an4 . SER: 24 JOmted m the Inner Man: T1s good to be dif:. quieted in Spirit, as if there were an aking in the Bones, after fome great Sin not repented nor bewa il~d : When Peter . by denying his Lord, had rotted a Bone, or a Jomt of the new Man in himfe1 f, he refte? not well that Night, He n.;:ent out a nd ec·wept br.tterty, Matth. :z.6. 57· .7eremiah made a rafh and paffionate Vow, to fpeak no more m the Name of the Lord~ but he could not fleepwith that·Coal of Fire in his Bones, Jer. 2 o. 9. 2. Pur the keeping of the new Creature off your Hand; m~ke it a Pawn committed toChrift's keeping, z 'It m. 1. 1 2. let him a.nfwer for it; be not you under the Burden of it yourfelf. The Habit of Grace, and the Man put under Lock and Key to Chrift, is in fure keeping, confider · what cometh of him, .7ude ver. 24. This j . a broken World, there be m!ny loofe-handed DeviJ.s going abroad through the Earth: There be Robbers~ 1 ying await in the Way to Heaven, to take the Crown from us, Rev. ;, 1 r. The Believer, who hqth a Stock of Grace, muft be at a holding and drawing with Men and Devils, Commit the keeping of your Souls to the faithjitl Creat or: But be not you idle, do it in JVe!l-doing, 1 P et. 4· 19. 3· Deal kindly with Chrifr when you have ·hi.m, brea~ not with Chrift, jf you 'wou~d keep the Hablt_ o\ Grece fafe, do nothing agamft your State; gr!e~mg of the Holy Ghofl, is unworthy of the Condtt1on of a redeemed one ; your Place cannot confift with walking after the FleH1: The Camp ym.1 are in cannot well bear , Compliance with the Flefh ; Tau have put on tl!e Lord J ejus, Rom. 1'5. v. 14. You cannot lay m for,