Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

S~t~.'. ~4. 'iriumpbo(Faith , 13i 'for, or v1B:ual fuch a Caftle as the :F1~fh; for iome exercife a Providence, and lay in Provi£on for the Flefh. 4· To be doing Goo'd, keepeth, the Habit of Gr~ce in Exercife, and irt Life alfo' for Orace is of the Nature of Life, and Life is preferved by M0tion; and the frequent Ope.rations of Life; yea, with this Difft!rehce the natural Life may be worn'· out, a'nd ,confL1med ~way with ·too fi·eq uent and violent Labour and Toil: This Life is mcreafed by ailiduous walking with God; for :John xv. ;2, Ever,.y :Branch that beareth Fruit in Chrifl. .llfy Father (faith he) purgeth · it, that it may bring forth more FrtJit. Jle it unto thee as thou wilt] Chrift cannot long diifemble (to fpeak fo) and keep up his Love; he tried this Woman hardly; ·now he praifeth her in her Fa,ee; '"Great is thy Faith, and · granteth her Defire to the full; if there was :f.uch a brotherly and ns.tutal Compaflion in :fojepb, Gen. 43· ;o. Jojepb's Bowels yerped, they were · hot, and Gen. 45· 1. 1ofoph could not refrain bimfelj, Vatabtus noteth, that the Hebrew Worcl is, He could not' do Violence to himfolf; His Love was like a hot Furnace, and it was like to tnake a Captive of him, and to overcome him ;n·ow the' ' Man Chrift hath the fame Heart and Bowels bf a Man; and I conceive, as Chrifl: was a Man voKt of Sin, f~ the Atl:s of, natura~ Vi~tues, as !o p-ity the affittl:~d, were fl:ronger m hun than m us, Sin blunteth natural Faculties, efpecially fuch a~ inclineth to AB:s la.udab]~ and good; fuch as are Love; Compafi1on to the miferable; and Sin boweth, or rather breaketh natural Acts that are indifferent in their Nature, •and farther removed fronl Morality, and maketh them intenfe above Nature, Y Bin