·338 The Trial and SER. 24 Sin being :a. violent Thing; fo in natural Men there is little-Power in carnal Reafon over ACl:s of Generation, Hunger, Thirft, Sleep, and fuch as - have thetr Rife from the fenfiti ve Soul : Chrift having Strength of £nlefs Reafon natural, far above Adam, was ftrong in ACl:s of the former Kind, and moderate in the other; efpecially being a high Priefl that matcheth us in natural Paj]lons, Heb. 4· I 5. Even in a Sympathy, and having thefc: fa m~ Paffiom that we have He weeped over .7erufotem, Luke I 9· When they were crying Hofan- ?Ja to him; and Occa:fion of Joy furnifhed to him, yet v. 4r, 42.- He cuJept over the City, and JPake >WOrds of Compa.!Jion; but broken and imprifoned wirh Sighing and Sorrow : 0 if thou kne:u-•, even thou, &c. Now what Compaffion mufi be in him, when_his A ffeCl:ion had fuch an Edg<: t -.7ofeph is nothing to him, he having taken a Man's Heart . to go along with the Saints to Heaven, :fighing, weeping, mourning, tempted in all thefe, as we are, but r-~Vithout Sin, Heb. 4· I 5. Now though there be ~o·: paffions, as there's no Infirmities~n God; yet the Flower, the Bloftom, and the .Excellency of all thefe are infinitely in God, he :firiketh and trieth, and yet pitieth, Judg. 1 o. Jfraet crieth to the Lord in their :Bondage, he giveth them a hard Anfwer, Go to the Gods (faith he) that ye have chofen., and tet them deliver tyou; they ftill are in Bondage, and weep upon ·him, v. I 6. The Lorrls Soul was grieved, Heb. Cut j/Jort for lhe Miferies of Jfrael, fo .7er. 31. , Two Evils befal Ephraim, one is, God's corretting Hand ; another is, Bemoaning and Sorrow for Sin, both are Trials : But how doth God exprds himfelf toward Ephr~tim? t::. zo. h ?- phr-.lm