Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SER. 24 Triumph ef Faith. lr9 phraim rny dear Son ?Is he a. Son of .Confolationj? So the Hebre"a', Is he my damty C/.1tld ? For jince I fpake againft him I do ear)1ejlly remember him tj!:ltl, therefore my Jlowets art troubteq for him. Obferve the Income of God's Coniolattons, after fad and heavy T!-;ials, !fa. liv. 11. 0 thou afflicted, to.ffid with Tfmpefl, and not Ovmjorted, bebehold 1 will tay thy Stones with fair Cotours, and thy Foundation with Saphires, lia. 40. I. Comfort ye, comfort ye, my People faith cur God. v. z. Speak to the Heart of .7Pru[atem, and cry to her that her Warfare .i ~ acroniptijhed. There is a Violence of heavenly Paffion in Chrift's Love, it will come Ot_lt a! l~ngth ; ref?pt_ed Ones wait on, you fhall ChrJil: as Chrlft m the End of the Day; Chrift is well a Day's Weeping, and a Day's waiting on; Compaffion ftrangled and incloied in Chrifl: muft break out, h eaieth Chrifi:'.s Mind that his Bowels of Mercy findeth . a Vent; Pity kept whhin God's Bowels (to fpeak fo) pain- ·ethbirn, itmuftcomeout, Hcf. IT. 8. Jl1ineHeart is turned within me, my Repe.J1tings are kindled · together. 0 how rude and inhumane bath Sin made our Nature! His Love who died for us, brake Heaven and rent the twb Sides of the Fir• mament (as it were) afunder; our Lord defcended, and was made a Man in all Things like us, ·except Sin. But 0 the £rft, nay, the doubled Summons of Chrift's Love are not obeyed. Love cryeth, we are deaf; Chrift's Love huhteth no other Prey bnt our Heart, and he cannot ha·ve it. After Chrift bath t~t'npted a Soul, he ntuft put it in his Heart; 'tis an Eafe and Comfort to Chrift, to eafe and comfort the tempted : -He is now trying Jlritain, and giving his Bride a Cup of Blood Y 2 ~nd