Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

I , 340 '1 he Trial anJ SEtt."" and Tears to drink; but who knows what Bowels what Turnings of Heart, what Motions of Compa ill on are in the Man Chrift now in Heawn ? 1.'hofe who ·!hall live to fee the Lord take his . .Bride in his Arms, and embrace her after thefe many Temptations, that now yvur Eyes feeth :fhall fu bfCribe to the Truth of this, and thof; who find Chrifi's Love-embracements, after Defertions know this. Should we fuppofe that there were in Chrift but thiJ> one Attribute of tender Compaffion toward his own tempted Ones, idhould make him altogether lovely' to us: For the Motion of tender Mercy in Chrift, upon the Suppo- :fitjon of tree Love that he died for,his own, is natural, he having taken a Man,s Heart· to Heaven with him, and borrowed Nature fi·om us· as our compaffionat High Prie(t, h(! cal!not. but pity; J\1ercy acceth as a naturil Agent m htm. Now fuppofe we that the Mother were eternal, and her Child eternal, but eternally weak; Companion :fhould , eternally flow from the Mother to the Child; fuppofe a fair Rofe to gt?w eternally, and . the" Summer Sun to fhine near lt eternally, and Life and Sap to keep it vigorous <i'ternally, it ::fhould caft out a fi.veet Smell, and offer its Beauty to the Eyes and Senfes eternally. In Jefus Chrift the Heart and tender Bowels of the fweeteft, mildeft, and moft compaffionate Nature of Man, that God can poffibly form, bath met with etemal :and infinite Mercy j~ qod Chrift, and to fay~- , thing· that M('rcy m Chrlil:-Man bath been puttmg forth the {weet 1ine11ing Acts ' of Love, wirhou_t tiring, Summer and '..Vinter, Night and Day, thefe ilxteen hundred Years, and that even now, wh1Ie ) 'OU 1·e(;l.d thi$, he is cafiing out ACls of Love and ,. . Mercy