SER: 14 ,. • Triumph pf Faith: ~4 r· Mercy; an eternal High Pridl: coul~ do no other thing for ever, but compaffionate h1s own redeem- ~ Flefh. 1 , Mercy chufeth a Lover freely, .7f!Cob, not B{au; this Man, not that Man; the F()ol~ not the wife Man; the Beggar, not the Prince; the Servant, not the Mafier: Bur having once made Choice, it worketh neceJJarily and eternally• .Chrifl's Love bath no Vacation, no Celfati<m: But when he tempteth, 'fmiterh, affiitleth, ttieth, Love and tender Mercy •worketh in the Dark. !ofeph's Bowels were upon 'Afl:ion, and bu6e whm his Brethren fa\Jf no fuch Thrng, even when he was accufing them as Spies, and dealing roughly e·wit~ · them. ·when the Sword of the· Lord, drunken, fwelled, and fatted 'with .Blood, js now raging in the three Kingd()ms: Mercy jn our hifrh Priefl: and his Bowcls are rou]ed within him, tl~oa we cannot fee Chrifi's inner Side. It is lik'e the Place, Heb. iv. ,15. is bur an a.11ufive Expoiition of the rowl~d and moved :Bo<r.~.'ets of God, Jer_ ·; r. 20~ Chrifl is, as it were, in He;:t ven bllrning,. and flaming in a Paffion of Cornpaffion .ttJward his weak Ones: I;Ie is not only touchf'd, but pained rr.rith our lnlirmities, fo the Wqrd cloth bear; ·· we fhall not rto well to make the tempted Condition that either the Church or a Soul is in, the Rule of God's Love: God's fiery Difpenfa.tion in Zion, or in a Soul, in the burning Bufh, fpeaketh not always ·wrath, make not falfe Commenta~ ries on Chrift's tempting Diipenfation: Hell is ac- (:idental to the Love of Chrift, and cannot change it. Suppofe Chrift's tender Mt:n:y were in the Midft of the Flames {)f Hell; yet their Mercy fhould be Mercy, and work as Mercy, and not belie itfelf; never a Rod of God upon any EieB:- y _, Child ,(