Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

., \ '1 '3:4~ T_he Trial ~nd_ SER. ~4 Chtld of God (iave upon Chnft only) did fpeak fatisfatl:?ry V engean~e fiJ~ Sin. §)u.eji. V\ h y ? Is not Chnft now red m hts Appard, and his Garments died and dipped in Blood, and bath he not put on Vengean~e as a Garrrent in the thtee Kingaoms? A_~ f. Yts, and for the Provocations of E'~f!,­ l~nd, th~1r unrepen~ed Idolatry, Superfiition, '~amty, Pr1de, Security, Unrhankfulneis to God, who hath broken the Rod of the Opprdfor, and delivered them from Pre:lli1res of ConiCience uncer Epifcopar.y, a Ma{s-Servi::e, and bnrthenfome ,Ceremonies, and for the Sins of the Kjng, Queen, Court, Prelates and Prophets, the pel'ieeuting and. .killing .the WitndTes of Chrift in ~1een .llfary's Days, and in the late Prelates Time, and the pre.. ient Injuftice, carelefs· and remifs minding Religigion, and their labqurfng to fpoil the Kingdom of Chrift of that Power that Chrifi bath given to his People of Church-difcipline, and tranilating it to tht'lr Parliament, to m:l ke Church-dikipline Parliament-dikipline, confounding fo the two ·Kingdoms; their tolerating of blaiphemous Sects; fome denying the Godhead of Chrift, iome his kingly Office to fimctify, govern 'his Pe-ople; fome his prieft1y, iome his prophetical Office, · and many other Sins of Prophets, and People not repented of; and moft of theie Sins, and many others, and efpecially the Breach of the Covenant in Srwland; thde two Kingdoms to fear heavy Judgments, and that their Calamity is not yet at an End : But ratb~r onP Woe is pa/Jed, but anot,her cor, eth, except thd~, Lands be ·humbled, and ly in the D_uft before the Lord ; yet in all thi~, the D!!penfa~10n (>f God, though bloody, is but the I.~ ord faymg, a$ of &ki, fo now to :Prit(lin, lia. i. Z5·· .And J we!J·