Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SElt 24 Triumph of Faith; ·34lwill turn my Hand upon thee, and purely purge awa;y thy Vrofi, and take q:Way all thy 'itn. v. z6, And I '7.viU reflore thy .7udges a~ at the .firfl, and, thy Coun(ettors as at the Beginning; afterward t/~ou jhalt be called the City of Rit;hteouf mfs, the faithful City. Y. 2 7· Zion jhatt be redeemed with Judgment, 'and her Converts "'..J.Jit!:J RighteoJ1fnefs. 2. A rough Difpenfation of Cbrift cannot abide long rough to the Saint~, he muft anfwer and eafe the Pain of the vVoman's broken Spirit; ~tis a Night's Pain to Chrift to caufe the Tears run down the Cheeks of his Church all the Night, he cannot but bring a Daylight of Joy before the Sun's m·dinary Time to rift-, 1 P{al. 30. 5. Chrift fmitteth and weepeth for Compaffion both at once: Tender Mercy in Chritl: moveth as much, if not more, within than without : The Mother'-s Bowels are as much on Work wit'hin, when the Child is put upon her Brea!h, and he is not capable to know a Mother, as a Mother, and Lo 1e as ~ove as ever; when the deferted is but · new and hot come out of the fecond Womb, and a Babe born over again, yet in a fpiritual Feaver, he is a~ much as ever·in the Bowels of Chrift, though he be not in that Cafe capable of .the Senfe and achial Apprehenfion of Chrift, as Chrifi:, and of the Senie of Chrift's Love as his Love, .7er, x x xi 20. Since the '1 ime that I Jufficientty talked with hin-v in corre8ing him, or jin~e th~ Tim:e of my S~flicie~cy offPeaking ag--ar.n(l htm, tn remembrtng hmz, .l do remember him. I ipake much in mine Anger againft him and half _againft my Will ; I qid chide him anJ , > fcourge bun, but my moved Bowels, the Stirrings ,of a compaffionate Heart, did conrradja (in~ a Y 4 • man-