Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

;44 '[he Trial mtd ~ER. ;4 manner) my ~ough correcting: My Heart came out of me wuh every rough Word and Stroke: The ~un and Nature worketh long, and many Years under Earth, in the Generation of Gotd and 1 Silver ere we fee Gold and Silver: God ~nd hii Servant Nature did t1s a Pleafure and a great Favour in that Kind, jn iecret, down in the Boweis of the Earth, to make unfeen and concealed Provifion for our Purfes, this fecret Love to us aCl:ed clown in the dark is no Love to us, while we find it, and fee it, yet is Nature in a Myftery under a V ail,. fweating under Earth to bring forth for us Mettals, Trees, Herbs, Flowers, Corn for ou~t· Serviee, . but we fee no Harveft at that · Time: Chrift's Bowels are fweating and a~ much Jabour- ~ng in Child-birth_, Pain of Compaffion, and Love, and tender Mercy towards us when we are in an Ague, and a Fit of Defertion, as at any Time; but we are loved of Chrift and pitied, and we know no fuch Thipg: All Chrift's Anfwers and Words to this Woman till now, were but Interpretations and Proclamations of Wrath, and reJeB:in_g of her, as not o·ne of the loft Sheep of tbe Hauje of ljrael, a ' Dog under the Table, not a Child of the Houfe; Love came never above Grpund till now; yet did Chrift's Affection apd Love yern upcm her all the Time. Out ot ~11 this we colleCt, Chrjft may love Perf~ms, and yet his Difpeni~ttion may be fo rough, as that to their Senfe there is no eround of being affured that Chrift loved them, till he !hall be p1eafed to manifeft it: Hence we may gather thef~ Propo.fition~ 'o~fidera-ble for the 1-"'imes. · Pro·