Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SER. 24 Trittmph of Faith: 3~}.\* :Propr/[. r. God's free and un'hired Love is ·the caqfe ol our Redemption, Vocation, SanCl:imcation, ~nd eternal Salvation ; he loved us in c ) ur ,Blood, and while we w~re polluted in our Blood._ Ezek. x~j. 6, 8. When we were the loft World, 7ohn iii. 16. ungodly, Rom. v. 6.. Enemies,v. xo. · lie quickned us, called us, when dead in S ins, Eph. ii. x. without Works, :z. 71m.i. 9· The .Bin · of Grace, is Chrift's welcome and pay nothing. Propof. i. Our Divines fay, God loveth t!1e Perfons of the Elect, but hateth their fins, i \lr. fi.Jenne is offended at this, and fo ar~ the Armi 'nians for the fame Reafon, if .God bate the Woi ... ks of Iniqur.'ty he cannot but hate the Perfons, 11 ~nrJ ~vor/wr5 of Iniquity alfo : 'Tis true, the L'::1rd hateth fo the Perf<ms of the Eletl: for their fins :, as he taketh Vengeance ot tl1eir fins on their Sut·ety Chrift, but this confift:e~h with the Lord's loving of their Perfons to aternal Salvation: The Tr11th is, Gods Afft'B:ion ad intrtt of Hatred and Diipl eafure, never fo pailerh 9n 'the Pedons of the Ele ·ct, as on the Perfons of the Reprobate ; he h ad Thoughts of Love and Peace, in fecret, from Eternity, to his own Elect, he did frame a Heav,en, , ~ Saviour for them, before all Time. ' Propof. 3· Our Divines do rightly t@ach, Thatthere is a twofold Love in God ; Amor benewo-. Jentice, .A Love of ofweJl-.. vilJing, whi~h he did bear to them befi-,re the World was, and it is ca . ll~ cd9 The to-ve of Blec7:ion. Of this Love, RoltL . ix. 13. Paul fpeaketh, 1 have loved :Jacob a·nd hatedFfatl : This is Fountain-Love, the well-he~ad ofall our Salvation : There is another Love, call- ~d, A1nor compta.centi~, A Love of Comptacetr-- - ry-~