\ . ~ 346 7he Trial and · SER· t4 't'JI, a Love of J ufti6caion (fo M. :IJenne termeth it) which rreiuppofeth Faith, without which it is imporribte to pteafe God, Heb. xi. 6. of this Chrift fpeaketh, .7ohn xiv. 2 r. He that loveth me jhall be lo ~· ed of my father, and l will love him, and will manifefl m_1fetj to him, ver. 2 3· If a Man love me, he witt keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we witJ come unto him, and make our abode with him; fo Chrift theWifdom ofGod faith, I love them that love me, Prov. viii. 1 7· And io Chri(l fpeaketh of his Love to his redeemed and fanCtified Spovfe, Cant. iv. 9· 'Ihou haft ravijhed myHeart mySijler, mySpc-ufe; thou hafl ravijhed my H-eart with one of thy E.o•re'J·, with one chain of thy Neck. Holinefs and ' the Image of God is the object of this Love, not the Cauie ' nor any Hire: It is not fo p!operly Love as the other. God rather loveth Perfons, defiring welL and good to them, than things Mr. :Denne is not content with this DiftinB:ion; and why ? Tbe lov~ 'of Ete8ion, and the Love of :fufiification (faith he) are not divers loves, or di- ·vers deJ?;rePs oft'i'lJe, but divers .ll1anifeflations of one and the fame infini(e tove; as wben a Father bat h con:veyed an Jnl:eritance to his Son, here is no new Lo·ve from the Father to the Son, but a new .ll{anije(iation of that love whetewith the Father loved the Son before. Anf Men fhouid not take on them to refute they know not what; not any ProteHant Divines ever taught, that there is a new Love in God, or any new degree flf L ove in God, that was not in him before. Arminians indeed tell us of new Love, new Defirt's, and of ebbinP. apd flowing ; Love and Hafted fucceeding o;e to another in God's Mind, thefe rorif- . .