Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SilR· ~4 7J:iump~ of. Faith. . . . 34 7 J7or~ftian Blafphemte& we d1fcla1m ; 1~ 1s 1~d~:ed, one and the 1ame £mple and Holy w1ll of God, hy which he loved Peter and .fohn from .Eter_n1ty, and eh 'Oied them ·to SalvatiOn, and by wh1ch he fu loveth them in time, ;1s of fre~ Gr!ce he beftowerh on them Faith, Holinds, Pardon in Chrift, and followeth tbefe with his Love ; and the for· mer is called his Love of good W i !l to their Perfen, ere they do good or i'll; The latter hjs Love · of Complacency to their State, and the Lord's new Workmanfhip in them, as with the iame Love the Husband choofeth i~ch ~a one for his Wife, . and loveth hrr being now -his married Spouie. Obj, z. Afen like thofe whom they Love, and Jo doth God. An[. ~ye grant all ; theie Terrn.s ·of God's goorlloving, and good liking, are ch0ien of Div_ines to expreis the ' thing God loveth and liketh Jacob not Efau, from Eternity, ere he believe or do good ; but he doth not fo love and like ('f(lcob fro~ Eternity; to befrow Faith and the ' Image of the fecond Adam on him, wh ile in time he heard the Word and be hl!mbled for fin, and the truth is, the love ofComptarency is not a new AB: of God's Will that ari1eth in Gud in time, but the Dec1aration of God's love ot good v"Vill in this effect, that God is pleJied to beflow Faith and his Beauty ofHolineis which maketh the Soul lo1dy to God, and it is rather the effeB: of eternal Love, than Love. And God hath a Love of Complacency toward the Perfon~ of the F!~A:, and L~we of g~od VI ill (though not ofchuhng good W1il toward them) tortheir Holineis, Ca ;tt. iv. 9· Obj. 3· It is abfurd that God jhould love the Etell with inp11ite Jove to clvtfe t/Jem to Sat-nation,