I I '• I I' ' I \. C' I ~ B:48 .'lJ;e Tria_l and • SER· 24. tton, a's touc'hmg theer Perfons, nnd withal to ha:e t~em :.vith an infinite hatredas workers of Imquety. Anf. It were abfurd I grant, if God's hatred to the EJeCl: as Sinners, were any immanent Affefl:ion in God oppofite to his Love by :which he fhould be a verie to their Perfons. 'But God's. Hatre~ to die ~letl:,. becaufe they .are Sinners, 1s J?Othmg but h1s Dtfpleafure agamft Sin, (not agamft the Perfon) fo as he is to inflid fatisfa.B:ory Punifhment on the Surety Chrift for their Sm. A Father may fo love his Prodigal Son, as to retain a Pnrpof~ to make hirn Inheritor of a Kingdom (if he had a Crown for himfdf) and to pay his Debts, and yet both hate and punilh llis profufe and lavifh walling of his Goods. Mr. 2Jenne would teach us "how Love and hatred towards Sinners doth confift. 'rhe Larr.u (faith he) and tpe Go!pcl ]peak divers Things, the one being t/Je Manijeftation of God's .7ufiice, telts us what rwe are by NaturtJ; the other, th~ Manifeflation of God's Mercy, tetls us <zvhatwe are by God's Merc)t in Jefus Cf.Jrifl 'The Law curfeth and condemneth the Sinner; 'rhB Gofpet ble.f!eth and j~(lijieth the Umr,odty. .Anj. Wh!t is this elfe? But that which Mr. qjenne and other Antinomians condemn in us ? How can one and the fame unchangeable God curfe, condemn, and fo hate Sinners, as to punilh them eternallr, and yet b]efs,juftifie, and love to eternal ~alvatlon their Perfons, except they teach the fame very Thing which we do? For the Law and the , Gofpel are no more contrary one fO another, than Lpve to the PerfOns of the EleCt, and Hatred and revanging J uftice to their Sins : Mr. Venne would further clear the Point thus; Wbat ever fVrath the