Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEll. ~i4 Triumph of Faith; '349 the Law fpeaketh, it is to the Sinn~r under the Law, atthoue:,h the Ete8 are Sinners in thfl :fudgment of the Law, Senfe, Reafon, yea oftimes Cof!fcience,ye't having their Sins tranjlated into the Son of God (in whom they are eteBed) they arerighteous in Chrift the Mediator. An{. The Law fpeaketh Wrath, in Regard of its Reign and Dominion to Death, to the_ Elect not yet converted~ and to the Reprobate Without Exception of Per!ons : But it cannot fpeak Wrath to the Believer, though he be one that daily Sins, arod is under the Law ; that is, under the Rule of the Law : Now to lie und~r the Law to Pau'J, ;Roil). vi. and 7. is to be under the Damnation qf the Law...;___ In which Regard, Believer') are not under the Law, but under the fweet Reign of pardoning Grace, yet are they und£1· the LaqtJ as a Tutor, a Guide, a Rule : and that the. Rule and R~ign of the Law are different is evident,' r · Bee fe the ruling Power of ::he Law is an e£;. fential Ingredient of '-t!'l.e Law, without the which the Law is not the Law: The Reign or Damn~ ­ tion of the Law agreeth to the Law by Accident, in fo far as T)1an is a Sinner, which is a State accidental to the Law. 2. The Law is a Rule, and . bath a proper Guidance and Tutory over the confirmed Angels, and Ihould have had over Man, if he had never finned; hot the Law can have no Reign to Death over the .confi rmed Angels, and fv!an in t'bat Cafe, as the Jaylor hath no ~ower over the Man, who was never an evil Doer. 1. Wea_re S!nners in the Judgment_of,Law, both :fin dwellmg m us ; and, z. the Giult qf rhe Law lying on us to Condemnation : But being once m Chrift, and juftified, weromain Sinners, as touch- , in~