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'I ' l f $) o . 7'~e Trial and ScR: 24 1ng the tnd<tJJetttn_i!, Ji tot, but we are not Sinners, as ":'e a:e juftified in Chrift, as touching the La~ obhgatwn to eternal Cond(mnation, from whtch we ~re fully fre~d. But the juftif.ed and redeemed ofChrJ~ re~am as form~ll_y and inherently finners, as M1lk ts formally white, or a Raven blac~ : Juil:ificat_ion removeth not the indwelling ofSm_; and 1o m regard ofSt:nfe, Reaion, and Confc1ence, we are Sinnf"rs to our dying D.-y, but not conaemned finners. Mr. 'lJenne objeB:eth; JiVe p;aJ' ~aily_, forgi-ye us our fins, th, n 'U.'e are not rtghte<'>us m Chnil:; he anfwereth, that Protejtants fay, :zve beg greater Ce~tainty and Aifurance of Forgivenefs; but not conrent with this Anfwer, he addeth, When '11'e pray for Forgivenefs, we magn~/ie his Grace, who bath j1·ee!y given us For~Jvene(s, it were not Fatty to a condemned Perfon, having received a P ardon, and being affured of it, to f all do,wn and]a'Y, Pardon me my Lord the l{ing. An_(. What Pro_tdlant Divines fay in this, we acknowledge; but If we feek only a fuller Certainty_ of Forgiveneis in this Petition, and not alfo the Application ot the general Pardon, as appropriated to the Sins we daily fall in, I fee no other Thing we feek, b~ta greater ·Meafure ofFaith to lay ho1d o~ Rem1ffion : I lhould ask a Warrant of Scripture to prove, that Forgivenefs of fin, 'fignifieth Aif~ranctt of t~e P~rdon of fin. z. That to ieek Forgtvenef:<~ d~1ly, 1.s to glorifie and magnifie him from whom we onc_e received Forgivenefs, is not to Purpuie, for that JS a Gener-al in all Petitions that we put up ro Ged, .no Iefs than in this. 3· If a pa·rdoned Malefactor ha vinP.. A:ffurance, he were pardoned J]1ould fall down° and beg Pardon of the King,. and not rather · tender him Thanks and Bldlmgs, for