SER. 2 4 Triumph of Faith . -3 si for a received Pardon·; I fhould believe he called in ~eftion the King's Favour; but Ihould he every Day, when he eateth Bread, beg ~ardon fromJhe King, as we beg daily Forgivenefs, he might be charged with more than ordinary Folly.· .llfr. Denne; God to·ves us in JJJood (faith he) and. Pollu#on, as weU before Converjion, as after Converjion : And though Faith procure r,ot God's LfJ'Ve ttndFavour, yet it ferveth us for other U[es, that we may be foaled by betievin7;, Eph, i. I 3· and ma,y thereby know the Love of God. It is foid, he that belie·veth not, is damned; not becaufo his believing doth alter or change his Ejlate before God, but becaufe God hat/1 promi{ed, that hewilt not only give us Rem~ffion, but atjo Faith for otlr Confolation; ani(~ · Faith becometh a Note, and a Mark of Life everlafling, as final Infidelity is of eternal Condemnation. An). It is true, God Jovetf? the Etea before Co~rJerjion, equally, as after Converflon, in Regard of that free Love of EleEtion, that moved him to give his Son to Death for them, Jol;J. iii. 16. and to call them effedually, 2. Tim. i. 9· Epb. Ji . 1, ..z.·, 3, 4· 'Iit. iii. •3) 4· ' 4 Propof. It is a palpable Untruth, that the pleB:, by believing in Chrift, and being t ranflated frmn Death to L1fe in their Convedi_on, to God, are equally loved of God, before Converfion, as after Converfion, if we fpeak of God~s_ Love pf Comptacen~y ; for though the inw<,trd Af7 feEl:ion and Love of Go~, as it is . an immanent and i9dwelling AB: in God, be eternal~ and have not its Rife in Time, and be not like the L~rve of Man to Man, which is like the S_ea ebbing and flowing; or the Moon, whic4 adwitteth of a clou.- , dy