Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

I ' ., I . 3 · •~ !fie Trial and . SE'R.: 24 Cf and cl~r~ VJiage, and of an enltghtned and fu1U Gmdmon; yet as the fame Love of God is ter tninated upon ftnful Men, or rather that which is c:alled, 'The Iove of Complacency, which is ind.fed 'the F.ffeB: of God's Love; it is not everv Wa y!one and the.fame after Converfion and before"· a~ ii:. is rhe fame Fountain and Spring that runneth jn it;s Stream~ toward the South, which by Art an~ 1ndufity of Men may be made to run toward the 1\bft'1r, . the Change is in the Streams, not in the l~butit~In, yet we fay the Fountain now runneth not ~~aut'tlward, a's it did ~fore, but Northward: .Alfo give me Leave to doubt, if thefe fame very vifiblte Sun-beams, that did fall upon Adam and ;eve, d~th this Summer fall upon us, yet I doubt ·not but the fame Sun that did .fuine the :6rft fix Rour:~ of the Creation, on the Garden of Paradife, .(hineth upon all our Gardens and Orchards tbat n-ow are. So God's Love is one and the fame t oward the EleB: before Time, and while they are wa,llowing in the Stat<; tlfinful and depraved Na- , I •ture; ann now when they are changed in tht Spirin of their Mind. But it may well b~ faid that (~od loveth his Church, as wa:fhed, as · fair, Gtnd fpotlefs, Cant. i v. 7. and that he .doth now fay of her, Cant. iv. ro. ~{IJW fair ·is thy ~ove. ' my S~fler, m_y Spoufe! ho·w much ~ett~r ts :hy Lo·Vfl than 1fine, and the Smell of thtne Ot11!- ments than a!J Spices? \Vhereas, the Lord fatd before of her, Ezek. xvi. 3· 'I'hy :Birth and thy Nativity is of the Lanrd of Canaan, thy Father ~·as an .Amoi"i te, t!Jy Mother an Hittite. ''er. -4· As fir tby NatiVt'i tj', in the :IJay that thou 'le·aft born, thy Navel was not cur, neither waft thou rr.vttjhed i tl lfl{ft&lt' to fupple t}Jee: 'I/Jou ~;afl not